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Welcome to London Regional Training Events

Book here for all our INSET training courses. All courses are open to YOT's in the region.


Sarah Brimelow insettraininginfo@gmail.com Tel: 0797 9954165

Social Media and Young People - Risk, Safeguarding and Challenges

The course will explore

use of the internet and social media platforms
legal, risk and safeguarding issues
how intelligence can be gathered and used to map gang activity specifically
how to capture, share and use information appropriately 
setting up staff roles, equipment and protocols.



Application Form

To make a booking please

  1. Give your Finance Dept the Vendor details below and ask them for a Purchase Order Number.
  2. Complete the booking form and email to Sarah Brimelow. You cannot make a booking without a purchase order number.

Your office will be invoiced on receipt of this form. Please note refunds are not possible in the event of non attendance.

Course Information

Social Media and Young People - Risk, Safeguarding and Challenges


9.15-1.00 PM

Delivered via Microsoft Teams


Course Selection
Your Information
Special Requirements
Payment Information
Vendor Details

London Borough of Barnet – AP Department
P.O.Box 328

Contact: Caroline.Le-Blanc@barnet.gov.uk

Note: course fees will not be refunded in the event of non-attendance